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Global Support for Kids of the Gulf

October 3, 2011

It has been a little over a week since we launched the fundraising campaign for Kids of the Gulf, and the response from people all over the world has been nothing short of incredible. People on 6 continents are supporting the film in a way that I couldn’t have imagined when we first announced the campaign.

92 people have donated so far, and we’ve had over 33,000 visitors to the fundraising page on IndieGoGo. Today, I wanted to say thank you to everyone that is coming together to make Kids of the Gulf possible. We have an incredible team of people that are rallying around the fundraising campaign and the excitement and enthusiasm that everyone is bringing to the table is truly inspiring. Continue Reading…


Lead Without Followers – a conversation with Dave Ursillo

September 25, 2011
Dave Ursillo

Lead Without Followers, the much anticipated book by Dave Ursillo, is being released on September 26, 2011.  I took a few minutes to have a conversation with Dave last week to discuss the book, and the entire Lead Without Followers Movement.

I had a chance to meet Dave in person at the World Domination Summit in June of this year and he’s every bit as cool, calm and collected in the flesh.  We even jumped out of an airplane together, which was pretty cool indeed.

If you have ever wondered if you were meant to be a leader but weren’t sure who you would lead, this book is for you.   Continue Reading…


People Doing Work That Matters

September 18, 2011
Ian Somerhalder Foundation

Last Fall, my friend Brian sent me an email telling me that I should connect with Ian Somerhalder because we have similar views and are working on some of the same issues. He mentioned that Ian was starting a foundation in December that was going to be prioritizing environmental initiatives and was looking for people to get involved.

I remembered Ian from Lost, but didn’t know anything about his views or what he was ready to light himself on fire over. Right around that time, I ran across his article in the Huffington Post about the oil spill’s impact on his home state of Louisiana. At that point, the synchronicity began. Continue Reading…


Remembrance, Reflection and Honor

September 11, 2011

People around the world today are remembering the tragic loss of life and immeasurable threat to freedom that occurred 10 years ago.  Some mourn the loss of friends and loved ones who perished in the attack. Some honor the sacrifice of first responders and emergency personnel that gave their lives to save those at risk. Still others ponder the changes to our fundamental freedoms that have taken place in the years since that dark day in world history.

But this isn’t a post about 9-11.  It’s a post about appreciation for those who walk among us that are striving to create a more loving world where events like 9-11 do not occur. Continue Reading…


You Are Now Under Arrest

September 5, 2011
Tar Sands White House Sit In

These are 5 words I never imagined I would hear directed at me. It’s still sort of unbelievable to think about it actually.

The past 48 hours have been some of the most intense, emotional, rewarding hours of my life. I participated in an act of civil disobedience in front of the White House on Saturday along with 242 other people, which was organized to put pressure on President Obama to deny a permit for the Keystone XL tar sands oil pipeline. A total of 1,253 people were arrested over a 2-week period for sitting on the sidewalk and peacefully demonstrating in support of clean energy.

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