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Social Causes

B-Corporation Talk at Hub Atlanta

February 25, 2011
B Corporation Logo

Last night, I had the pleasure of attended a talk on B-Corporations at Hub Atlanta – ‘A new members space for people working to create a better world.’

The talk was part of a monthly series that hosts talks on different aspects of Social Enterprise. From the Hub’s website: ‘Social Enterprise 101 is a robust nine month series of lectures, lunches and conversations that aims to map a deep and broad understanding of social enterprise in the South East.’

Moderated by local environmental writer/advocate, Jim Hackler, the panel included representatives from 3 local B-Corporations: Freeworld Media, ifPeople, and Better World Books.  These are incredible organizations that are showing what is possible when businesses think beyond shareholders and truly consider stakeholders. Continue Reading…

Inspiration, Must Read

The Words We Choose

January 10, 2011

How often do we really stop to think about the words we use in our conversations and our writing? This is a question that came to mind when I received an email from my friend, Harry, who sent me a Wordle image that he created while I was offline in Vermont. Wordle is a cool applet that creates word clouds based on website content. In this case, it analyzed my 2010 recap post.

My first reaction to this image was ‘this is awesome!’  It seems to capture the essence of what I experienced and wrote about in 2010, but in a view that is a bit non-traditional.  It seems that this could be a good exercise to do occasionally with our writing.  Sort of a pulse check, if you will. Continue Reading…


2010 – A Year of Learning, Growth, Transformation and Adventure

December 22, 2010

This year has been one of incredible learning, growth, and personal transformation along with a healthy dose of adventure.  It’s actually quite remarkable to me to look back on where I was a year ago and how much things have changed for the better.  I wanted to take a few minutes to reflect on the year in the hope that it might provide some context for what I’ve been doing and how my life and my work has changed over the past 12 months.

Big things that happened:

Worked with the Atlanta Community Food Bank to develop their social media strategic plan for 2010-2011. Helped interview candidates for the new fulltime role of Online Community Builder for the ACFB.

Interviewed with multiple major agencies but finally decided that the work that I want to do will not be carried out inside an agency. Stopped interviewing and never looked back.

Realized that my loft is not more important than me living the life I want to live, and made the decision to sell it after 8 wonderful years of living here. Continue Reading…

Spirit of the Gulf Coast

August 19, 2010

In my last post, I put my birthday wish out to the world, and boy let me tell you – the world answered! I have been swamped over the last month with a combination of client work and also volunteer efforts that are culminating in the Spirit of the Gulf Coast initiative, which begins with a documentary expedition down to the Gulf Coast this weekend.  I have been working on this for a couple of months, and the more I talk with people about it, the more people want to get involved.  It has been an honor to be a part of this work and to shine a light on the local coastal communities that have been impacted so severely as a result of the BP oil spill.

Please check out the website we created for the initiative and consider making a PayPal donation if this resonates with you.  The video below describes how we are using the donations and our purpose for the trip.

Thanks for allowing me to share this with you.  It has taken a lot of energy to bring it to this point, but the team is very excited to go down to the coast and conduct this expedition this coming weekend.  We’ll be updating the Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, and YouTube accounts in real-time while we are there, and will be doing daily blog recaps as well.  Please consider following along.

Thanks again for being here, and I hope you enjoy the work.