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Grateful for Connection

June 26, 2011
Justin Runyon WDS

It’s really quite remarkable how collaboration and open communication can bring about positive shifts in the world.  In the past couple of weeks, a series of connections and opportunities have opened up that have left me in awe over how perfect the universe can be with orchestrating an intended outcome.

Last week, I wrote about Inviting Collaboration Through Social Media, and clearly the message resonated, as it was shared on Facebook more than any post I’ve ever written. It feels amazing to work with other people and collaborate on a shared vision, doesn’t it? Continue Reading…


Recharging My Soul at the World Domination Summit

June 9, 2011

Last weekend, I had the privilege and honor of attending the first World Domination Summit in Portland, Oregon. WDS is Chris Guillebeau’s brainchild and together with a team of dedicated volunteers, he achieved what I can only describe as an epic coming together of hearts and minds of change agents and explorers from around the world.

I could sense the energy in the city from the time we hopped on the Max train at the airport. We were speaking with a local resident about World Domination and good Pinot Noir as the train wound through beautiful northwest neighborhoods, and a young lady across from me overheard us and said she was attending WDS as well.  Continue Reading…

Must Read

The Day I Decided to Change the World

May 4, 2011
Brandon Sutton

May 3, 2011

The day I decided to change the world.

I’ve thought about this kind of proclamation before, but have resisted.  Perhaps I didn’t know for sure if I had it in me.  No more. Today, I can proclaim with absolute certainty that I’m doing something meaningful with my life, and it’s going to change the world.

To be sure, this is a moment that’s been a long time coming. Through a series of conversations and synchronistic events, the Universe has lined up to propel me forward along this meandering path.  Continue Reading…

Social Media Strategy

5 Tips for Giving Good ‘Share’

April 27, 2011

Have you ever gone to share something online but been disappointed by the default preview content that comes up in social channels such as Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter?  If not, you probably haven’t ever shared content online before.

But seriously, this is an area that almost everyone can improve on, myself included. I recently developed a guide to optimizing web content for social sharing. Here are 5 of the key points:

1. Make the title engaging and include appropriate keywords

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Keep Making Us Think

February 11, 2011

I was recently having a conversation with two of my neighbors on issues surrounding energy use, efficiency, conservation, alternatives, etc., as well as the state of commercial agriculture, organic farming, and the like. We discussed some recent articles and videos I had seen on the issue and we had a nice open discussion and sharing of information.

I followed up with another article this morning and the reply I got was: ‘Thanks – keep making us think.’

This really hit me and I felt like sharing my reaction. So many of the changes the world needs can begin to be solved by everyday people having conversations like this on the big challenges that humanity is facing. It’s about being mindful first and foremost, and then sharing our thoughts and feelings with those around us. Continue Reading…