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Now Is All There Is

October 10, 2011

It’s in times of loss that we typically step back and think about the meaning of our own lives and our connections with loved ones. Thoughts of things we wish we had said or feelings we wish we had conveyed haunt us as we attempt the futile task of rewriting history in our minds.

Yesterday, I lost a friend, and right on queue, I’m replaying the last conversation I had with him in my mind. It’s not that I have any huge regrets, but there isn’t closure on that conversation, and it was on me to send an email to punctuate it.

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Remembrance, Reflection and Honor

September 11, 2011

People around the world today are remembering the tragic loss of life and immeasurable threat to freedom that occurred 10 years ago.  Some mourn the loss of friends and loved ones who perished in the attack. Some honor the sacrifice of first responders and emergency personnel that gave their lives to save those at risk. Still others ponder the changes to our fundamental freedoms that have taken place in the years since that dark day in world history.

But this isn’t a post about 9-11.  It’s a post about appreciation for those who walk among us that are striving to create a more loving world where events like 9-11 do not occur. Continue Reading…


Thanks, Dad

June 19, 2011
Brandon & Emil Sutton

Today I want to share about something a little bit different. It’s Father’s Day and also the day where I do a deeper dive into something I’m grateful for.  I can’t think of a better topic than to celebrate the wonderful man that I’m proud to call my Dad.

Dad wasn’t born into a privileged family, but worked hard to pull himself up and get an education.  He was good in sports, and was well liked amongst his friends.  To this day, he’s still the center of attention at most family functions and gatherings with friends.  He’s famous for his jokes, and although I tend to cringe when he starts up on them, everyone else loves it.  My issue, clearly. Continue Reading…

Social Causes

Remembrance and The BP Oil Spill

April 20, 2011
Deepwater Horizon Fire - Photo by US Coast Guard

Last Summer, I left part of my heart on Grand Isle, Louisiana. It’s hard to describe the range of emotions I felt while visiting the Gulf coast in the aftermath of the BP oil spill, and today on the 1 year anniversary of the Deepwater Horizon explosion, my heart feels heavy once more.

Nothing I have experienced in my life quite compares to the work that we did on the Gulf last summer. We saw and heard things that most people never had the chance to experience. I have not forgotten, and I am more driven than ever before to continue what we started.

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2010 – A Year of Learning, Growth, Transformation and Adventure

December 22, 2010

This year has been one of incredible learning, growth, and personal transformation along with a healthy dose of adventure.  It’s actually quite remarkable to me to look back on where I was a year ago and how much things have changed for the better.  I wanted to take a few minutes to reflect on the year in the hope that it might provide some context for what I’ve been doing and how my life and my work has changed over the past 12 months.

Big things that happened:

Worked with the Atlanta Community Food Bank to develop their social media strategic plan for 2010-2011. Helped interview candidates for the new fulltime role of Online Community Builder for the ACFB.

Interviewed with multiple major agencies but finally decided that the work that I want to do will not be carried out inside an agency. Stopped interviewing and never looked back.

Realized that my loft is not more important than me living the life I want to live, and made the decision to sell it after 8 wonderful years of living here. Continue Reading…